Secure Online Ordering
You can purchase any item using our secure online ordering system. Begin by logging-in to the website using the ‘My Account’ button. This will store your information in a secure format for current and future orders.
Click the “Add to Cart” button to add items to your order. When you are finished click VIEW CART/CHECKOUT on the top right of any page to begin the checkout process. Follow the directions on the screen to complete checkout.
Payment Options
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit, American Express, or PayPal payments. If paying by cheque or postal order please mail payment immediately upon placing your order.
We offer the option to pre-order items that have not yet been released by the manufacturer. If a current item is out of stock you may also reserve back-ordered items. If an item is out of stock you will immediately be alerted when you add the item to your shopping cart.
Paying by Credit Card – While we collect the credit card information on these orders at the time they are placed, we do not charge your credit card until the items are in stock and ready to ship.
Paying by PayPal – PayPal does not offer deferred billing so if you choose to pay for a pre-order or back-order with PayPal you will be charged in full at the time the order is placed.
Ordering by Telephone
We are happy to answer questions and take your orders over the phone. You can reach us Monday – Sunday 12:00 PM – 8:00PM . If we are away from the phone and you leave a message we will return your call as soon as possible.
In the U.K Call: 01622 850336
International : +44 01622 850336
Ordering via Postal Mail
Please use our secure online shopping cart even if you plan to send payment by mail. You can purchase any item using our secure online ordering system. Click the “Add to Cart” button to add items to your order. When you are finished click VIEW CART/CHECK OUT on the top right of any page to begin the checkout process. Follow the directions on the screen to complete checkout.
At checkout, you can indicate if you will be mailing credit card information or cheque or Postal order. It is especially important for customers wishing to pay by post to complete the checkout process online so we can reserve your items for you until your payment arrives. Please provide your email address when you place your order so we can send you an order confirmation.
We post same or next business day upon receipt of credit card payments. Orders made by personal cheque may be held 7 days to allow the check to clear.
Our mailing address is:
Maison Militaire Ltd.
Flint Barn Farm,
Flint Lane,
ME17 2EN